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Board Structure.

Chairman The Chairman supervises all the business of the Board. He also presides at all the meetings of the Board of Directors, as well as the meetings of the general members of the Association. The Chairman is also an ex-officio member of all the committees of the Board. The Chairman is also responsible for the overall strategic business plan of the Association.

Vice Chairman In case of the absence of the Chairman or his inability to act, the Vice Chairman serves as the acting Chairman.

Honorary Secretary The Secretary attends all meetings of the Association, and of the Board of Directors, and keeps correct minutes of the meetings. The Secretary also has the responsibility of maintaining the records and correspondence of the Association.

Treasurer The Treasurer receives and deposits into an account opened in the name of the Association all money paid to the Association and issues receipts for that money in accordance with the then current rules and regulations. He keeps a proper set of financial records in accordance with general accepted accounting principles. He also presents a full and detailed account of the receipts and disbursements to the Board on a quarterly basis and at any other time when requested by the Board. He prepares a complete statement of the financial position of the association and the budget.

Director of Public Relations The Director of Public Relations works to improve and enhance relations with government agencies and create awareness within members regarding government regulations related to business. He also supports local schools and other community events or programs.

Director of Human Resource Development The Director of Human Resource Development works to educate members regarding local, state and federal laws affecting members’ businesses. He also develops and implements various educational programs designed to train members in running quality operations with emphasis on safety and security, customer service, responsible alcohol and tobacco sales, inventory management, efficiency in productivity and performance. He also puts together training classes to educate members on certain requirements related to operation of gas stations, and related areas such as Stage II Vapor Recovery Training and Certification, Fuel Inventory Management, Inspection of Dispensers and related equipment, Underground Storage Tank monitoring, related record keeping, etc. He also develops training sessions where current and prospective employees of members’ convenience stores are trained and certified so that they can perform knowledgeably and efficiently. He also oversees the Field Merchandiser / Mystery Shopper Program; the merchandisers visit members’ stores, evaluate various concerns, and help them with merchandising, compliance, customer service issues, etc.

Director of Research and Development The Director of Research and Development keeps members apprised of emerging trends in the Gas Station and C-store industry. The Director's responsibility is to be aware of various advances in alternate fuel and energy sources, in order to keep the members ahead of the curve, and help them to be proactive to inevitable changes in the marketplace. The Director also communicates to members regarding new product lines, new competitors in the industry, etc. The Director does market research and identifies additional profit centers that may benefit the members such as fast food co-branding, car wash, ATM, dollar isles, Mexican food isles, internet cafes, etc.

Director of Information Technology The Director of Information Technology keeps abreast of the latest technological advances, in order to help members utilize the most efficient tools to operate their businesses in the most productive manner possible. This would include educating members about POS equipment, back office hardware and related software applications, integration, automation, etc. which would help members with inventory management, lottery management, cash management, payroll and record keeping management, employee shift balancing, and other tasks.

Director of Risk Management The Director of Risk Management educates members on various licensing requirements, insurance needs such as business liability, workers compensation, life insurance, health insurance, etc. The Director also arranges for training of members regarding safety and security measures at their stores.

Director of Member Services The Director of Member Services communicates with members regarding various member issues, handles member complaints, organizes services such as business exchange where members may list their businesses available for sale or lease, employee exchange where members may post employment listings, etc.

Director of Marketing & Promotions The Director of Marketing & Promotions (MPC) meets with suppliers of products and services to finalize agreements that would bring good value to members.